Saturday, 16 November 2013

One More Sleep

It’s 10:33pm on Saturday 16 November, 2013.

May I just say, that this has been one tough week. PhD oral examination, revisions for publications, funding round applications, and then organising the final details for the trip. We are smashed! But with less than 20 hours before we begin our world tour, we’re AMPING!

I remember back in March one morning when I was dropping Tu at work, we stole a few minutes to grab some breakfast. I remember asking the guy at the counter for a pen and a napkin. We then took turns at saying one place in the world we always wanted to visit. It was a “dream big” kind of exercise. Nothing was off limits. If you wanted to visit the plains of Africa then say it! After a few minutes, Tu had written a huge list of countries on this napkin.

I jokingly took a photo of him doing this and thought to myself this would be funny to reflect on once this dream trip becomes a reality. Well whanau, here we are…

It’s exciting, nerve wracking and overwhelming when we think about the places we will visit, the people will meet and the things we will see. Personally, these are some of things I want to remember to do/embrace:

  • Live in the moment. Don’t worry about whether or not I’ll find a job next year, or if I turned my out of office on for my emails. Just be.
  • See the sunrise and sunset in different parts of the world, and remember to reflect on life’s beauty
  • Do something different everyday

Now, it’s time for me to sign off, get some sleep before the first flight tomorrow afternoon and dream about what’s to come.

Natirā x Dee

1 comment:

  1. Awesome mokopuna just read this, looking forward to reading the next journal entry
    Love Nana xxx
