Kia ora whanau!
Ko te tuatahi, he mihi ki nga mate. Kua rongo maua i te matenga o te rangatira a Koro Sam, no Taranaki maunga, Te Ati Awa tangata. E te rangatira, ia hui ia hui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika, ka tu koe i te paepae, ki te whaikorero, he pou hoki ki nga tikanga o taua rohe, kei te mihi nunui ki a koe. E te rangatira, moe mai moe mai, moe mai ra.
Ka huri ki te ao marama, ki te ao o nga Inka. He mihi maioha ki nga tangata whenua o tenei rohe, ko Quechua. Ka mihi hoki ki nga maunga whakahi o te Andes, raua ko te awa o te Scared Valley. He tino ataahua tenei whenua, he tapu hoki.
E te whanau, ka ora rawa maua ko Dee. He mihi hoki ki te whare teneti, na te mea e ua ana iaianei. Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatau katoa.
Well whanau, we are in the middle of the Andes and truly living the dream. I think it starts with our guide, Percy, he tangata whenua ia no Cusco. He tangata mohio o tenei rohe. He got us through all the official process to get on the Inca trail, and he alerted us only 500 people (us, guides, porters) are allowed on the trail.
The first few hills immediately try your fitness and altitude ability. Walking past Inca ruins is something truly amazing, and the crew we are with are cool too, Scots, Canadians, Austrains, Australians and Maori! The porters carry all the gear, and tramp ahead and set up camp and lunch. 3 course meals, spoilt to bits whanau. They are amazing!
After 10.5kms we reached our base camp for the night, tents up (porters), and we settle down to a cool beer or water - the locals were selling them, like angles from above! Then we explore, another archaeological site, and we stumble upon a soccer game. Their national sport, this was a serious game being played and the internationals were up next. Wow - if tramping wasn't enough, try sprinting and trying to out-muscle and play these peruvians - we lost 1-0, but was very proud of the guys.
Dee and I are waiting out the rain and dinner is soon - have no doubt our chiefs are cooking up something good! Well better roll and save batt for later blogs.
Last thing, so proud of my darling Dee. Busting out these maunga, and always having a smile for me. Love you darling.
Love to all our whanau and friend - Tu
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