Saturday, 16 November 2013


Morena whanau!

Amidst the final packing of bags, priming and grooming, final showering and last check of the passport we thought we'd write one more blog before we leave this afternoon for Lima!

Reflection is important and I'm taking a moment to reflect on the year's craziness, the mahi that we've completed and done successfully and the whanau who have been in our lives supporting us all the way through. E kore e mutu nga mihi ki a koutou katoa.

Relaxing is going to be a key word of this trip, well that's once we climb to the top of Machu Picchu, go to the Amazon and survive ridiculous heights and altitude, then we'll be relaxing. The past year for me personally has been physically exhausting and draining and I haven't had a moment to catch a breath. This trip is all about catching breaths! Breathing in the air of another place, taking a step on a new whenua, meeting a new person, connecting with a new culture. Relaxation!

The final 'R' is Refocus. This trip will help us to refocus. Refocus of our goals, dreams and aspirations, refocusing on what's important in our lives. This is truly what I'm most looking forward to. That "ah haaah" moment, the enlightenment period that might happen deep in the Amazon jungle, or visiting a church in Roma, that moment where you figure it all out and think... this is me, this is what I'm going to do, this is where I want to be.

Alright, enough philosophical-ness for a Sunday morning. We're off for a hearty breakie and then time to catch us some international tavel!

Na, Dee


1 comment:

  1. Finally on your way you two,and so many days ahead to enjoy and have a wonderful time. Try and get as much rest as possible when you get the chance....Was a bit sad the day you both left but that has turned around knowing you are both taking a well deserved break and will be bringing back home some wonderful stories and memories!!!...Look after one another and keep safe........Love to you both from home!!!
